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Tailed Beasts: Saiken The Six Tails

Saiken, more commonly known as the Six-Tails, is one of the nine tailed beasts. It was last sealed within Utakata of Kirigakure.


Saiken and the other tailed beasts were created by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki using his special technique. He divided the powerful chakra of the Ten-Tails into nine separate beings and gave them names. Even though they were separated, the Sage told the young tailed beasts that they were connected and would eventually reunite. He also predicted that one day they would come together, but in a different form, and someone would show them true power. In the anime, before he died, Hagoromo sent Saiken to live in a temple in a humid cavernous area for protection. During the First Shinobi World War, Hashirama Senju captured eight tailed beasts and gave Saiken and Isobu to Kirigakure as a sign of friendship and to maintain a balance of power. Many years later, Saiken was sealed inside Utakata. In the anime, Harusame attempted to remove Saiken from Utakata, but failed. Utakata misunderstood his master's intentions and believed that his master tried to kill him. As a result, Utakata transformed into Saiken and killed Harusame.


Saiken, the giant slug, has a unique way of referring to itself as "ore," which is a boastful form of "I." It also speaks with a dialect that might be Ōsakaben. In the anime, Saiken appears to be kinder and less selfish compared to other tailed beasts. When Utakata asked for its help to save Hotaru, Saiken willingly agreed, and it didn't try to take control of Utakata afterwards. However, Saiken was willing to kill for self-preservation, as it did with Harusame when he tried to extract it from its jinchūriki. In the anime, Saiken speaks in a high-pitched voice and displays a lot of energy.


Saiken, being a tailed beast, possesses a vast amount of chakra that it can share with others and can create a powerful attack called the Tailed Beast Ball. It has the unique ability to release corrosive substances in the form of liquid or gas, which instantly disintegrates anything it touches. Saiken has exceptional durability, as it can withstand being thrown far away by Kurama. It has a special affinity for Water Release and can expel a sticky substance from its mouth to trap its targets. In the anime, Saiken can also use Soap Bubble Ninjutsu.
