The Anbu, also known as the Anbu Black Ops, are a group of highly skilled covert ninja operatives assigned by the village leader. They carry out specialized missions involving assassination and tactics. Unlike traditional ranks, the Anbu operate based on merit and experience, with team leadership and hierarchy determined accordingly. The squad leaders, known as Buntaichō, hold prestigious positions within the Anbu organization. Overview The Anbu organization is comprised of highly skilled shinobi selected based on their personality traits and abilities. They are scouted from a young age and chosen by the village leader, regardless of age, background, or previous rank. Once accepted into the Anbu, they undergo intense training, including studying the human body, and wear masks to conceal their identities. Anbu are frequently involved in important missions within and outside their villages, specializing in assassinations, infiltrations, tracking, surveillance, and interrogations. Their d...