Haku, an orphan from the Land of Water, belonged to the Yuki clan. He received training from Zabuza Momochi and became a shinobi under his guidance. Eventually, Haku joined forces with Zabuza as a Mercenary Ninja. Background Haku was born in a snowy village in the war-torn Land of Water. His mother possessed the Ice Release kekkei genkai, which caused fear and hatred among the people. When Haku discovered his own ability to manipulate water, his mother was horrified and scolded him. Haku's father, upon learning about their kekkei genkai, killed his wife but was stopped by Haku using his Ice Release. Orphaned and unwanted, Haku lived on the streets, scavenging for food and fighting off dogs. He met Zabuza Momochi, who offered him purpose as a shinobi. Haku accepted and became Zabuza's devoted tool, receiving training in various fighting techniques. Personality Haku was a compassionate and obedient shinobi who believed in protecting someone important. Despite his impressive comba...