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Akatsuki: Nagato The Six Paths of Pain

Nagato, a shinobi from Amegakure and a member of the Uzumaki clan, teamed up with his friends Yahiko and Konan to create Akatsuki. They all wanted to bring peace to the dangerous world of shinobi. Sadly, after Yahiko died, Nagato changed his name to Pain and took charge of a new Akatsuki group. Together with Konan, they aimed to achieve peace by any means possible.


Nagato, a young boy living in Amegakure, had the Rinnegan secretly implanted in his eyes by Madara Uchiha. During the war, Nagato and his parents sought refuge in their home. When Konoha shinobi broke in, Nagato's parents sacrificed themselves to protect him. Overwhelmed by grief, Nagato used the Rinnegan's power to kill the shinobi. Alone and orphaned, Nagato encountered Yahiko and Konan, and they formed a group called Akatsuki with the goal of ending war. Jiraiya trained them, and they gained followers. Later, Nagato changed his name to Pain, controlled six corpses as the Six Paths of Pain, and led Akatsuki on a path of violence to achieve peace. Pain became the leader of Amegakure, crushing anyone who opposed him while the villagers revered him as a god.


Nagato was a sensitive child who often cried for others' suffering. He tried to change his emotional nature but failed. Jiraiya, his mentor, helped him realize that his sensitivity was a strength that allowed him to understand pain and show kindness. Nagato wanted to take on his friends' pain to protect them. He joined Akatsuki to bring peace, believing he was a tool for Yahiko's vision. Nagato's power and the belief that he was a god led him to take extreme measures, inflicting pain to end all violence. Despite his initial aversion to killing, he justified it for the greater good. Nagato showed charisma and patience as a leader, but also had a wrathful side and would kill those who questioned him. He valued his childhood friends and held them in high esteem. Despite changes, Nagato remained kind and respectful, mourning those who died and showing courtesy to opponents. Naruto's belief in the struggle for peace made Nagato reconsider his actions and regain faith in his former pacifism. He saw himself as a failed middle volume in a trilogy between Jiraiya and Naruto.


Nagato, as the leader of Akatsuki, was highly respected for his incredible power. Despite his physical weaknesses, he was considered one of the strongest members, second only to an enhanced Madara Uchiha. After rejuvenating his body with Tailed Beast chakra, he easily overwhelmed the jinchūriki of the Eight and Nine-Tails, although his legs remained weak. Even under the control of Kabuto Yakushi, he posed a formidable challenge, requiring Naruto, Killer B, and Itachi Uchiha to join forces to defeat and seal him. Nagato, known as Pain, was considered unbeatable by many, having defeated and killed Hanzō and even his former teacher Jiraiya. He could single-handedly face the entire village of Konohagakure, losing only one of his Paths in battles with Konoha ninja. He had an undefeated record in battle until he encountered Naruto, who pushed him to his limits.

Chakra and Physical Prowess

Due to his Uzumaki heritage, Nagato possessed resilient chakra and unusually large chakra reserves. He had the ability to perform multiple chakra-intensive techniques in a single day. It was speculated that his Rinnegan further enhanced his already powerful chakra. Nagato had exceptional chakra control and could constantly change its frequency, making it difficult for sensors to pinpoint his location when he controlled the Six Paths of Pain unless they impaled themselves with his chakra rods. After sustaining severe leg injuries in a battle with Hanzō, Nagato's mobility was severely affected, leaving his original body defenseless. However, he regained some mobility after being resurrected and using the Eight-Tails' chakra to restore his body and legs. When not hindered, Nagato was agile on the battlefield, swiftly closing the distance between himself and his opponents, often forcing them to retreat.


During his training under Jiraiya, Nagato displayed exceptional skill by mastering every technique he was taught, including various styles and all basic nature transformations. This level of accomplishment was highly unusual for someone as young as ten years old. He showcased his versatility through miscellaneous techniques that facilitated Akatsuki's meetings, such as astral communication over long distances, providing protection during meetings, and creating diversions against enemies. Nagato was proficient in the Shadow Clone Technique and could even clone his summoned creatures. One of his notable abilities was the Rain Tiger at Will Technique, which allowed him to create continuous rainfall to monitor movements within Amegakure. Additionally, Nagato possessed keen sensory abilities, enabling him to locate others even over significant distances and surpassing barriers meant to block detection.


Nagato's proficiency in various ninjutsu was largely due to his possession of the Rinnegan. Despite not being the original owner of the eyes, his Uzumaki lineage allowed him to wield both eyes without drawbacks, even as an untrained child. This distinguished him from Obito, who struggled to handle a single eye despite his modifications and extensive knowledge. Nagato's skill with the Rinnegan earned him the title of the "Third Six Paths." The Rinnegan granted him access to the Six Paths Techniques, including the gravitational powers of the Deva Path, the summoning abilities of the Animal Path, the energy absorption of the Preta Path, control over souls with the Human Path, mechanization with the Asura Path, and the use of the King of Hell through the Naraka Path. Although limited by his physical condition, Nagato could seamlessly shift between the Paths and perform their abilities at a level not achievable when relying on others. The Outer Path, which involved summoning and controlling the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, channeling chakra through black receivers, and using the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to revive the deceased, was a branch of the Six Paths Techniques that Nagato reserved for himself.

Six Paths of Pain

Using the Outer Path, Nagato created the "Six Paths of Pain" by implanting black receivers in six corpses, allowing him to control them remotely. Each body represented a different Path and served a specific purpose, such as offense, defense, reconnaissance, or repair. Although the bodies were individually strong, they were most formidable when used together, sharing vision and coordinating attacks with maximum efficiency. During the attack on Konoha, the Six Paths wreaked havoc and eliminated many powerful shinobi, almost singlehandedly overpowering the village. Nagato would sacrifice less important Paths to protect the more crucial ones. To keep the secret of the Six Paths hidden, Nagato tried to limit their usage and destroyed Konoha when its inhabitants started understanding how the ability worked.
