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Kage: A The Fourth Raikage

A is the Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure.


A is the son of the Third Raikage and was trained to become the Fourth Raikage. In Kumogakure, it was customary for the Raikage to have a tag-team partner. A did not have a blood sibling, so they held try-outs with children to find a suitable partner. Only one child, named B, was able to match A's power and perform a special move together. A considered B as his brother from that day on. A, B, and A's cousin, who was the jinchūriki of the Eight-Tails, were teamed up for a mission. During the mission, the Eight-Tails went out of control, and A helped in subduing it. A's father sealed the beast temporarily, and later B became its new jinchūriki. He became the Raikage after his father's death and restricted B's training and transformations due to their power. Two years later, Tsunade invited A to a Chūnin Exams, but he rejected the offer, thinking it was an attack plan by Konohagakure and Sunagakure.


A is known for being strict and outspoken, but he can be persuaded to change his mind. As the Raikage, he became more humble and focused on actions and strength. He sees jinchūriki as tools and prioritizes protecting his village above all else. He can be hypocritical, criticizing other nations while ignoring his own village's questionable actions. Despite his tough exterior, A has a softer side, caring deeply for his family, especially his adoptive brother B. He became overprotective of B and confined him to the village, even against B's wishes. However, A also recognizes his brother's strength and values him as a valuable asset. He initially mistrusts other villages but learns to accept them as comrades in the war. A has a rivalry with Tsunade but respects her and shows concern for her well-being. He can also show forgiveness, as seen with Sasuke, whom he initially wanted to kill but later forgave after seeing his remorse.


A is a very strong shinobi as the Fourth Raikage and even became the leader of the Allied Shinobi Forces despite losing his dominant arm. He has a unique fighting style called nintaijutsu, which combines ninjutsu and taijutsu. With this style, he can fight directly against powerful opponents like tailed beasts, defeat Jūgo in his transformed state, and overpower Sasuke, who possesses the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Physical Prowess

Despite his large size, A is surprisingly fast and can catch opponents off guard with his swift movements. He claimed to be the fastest ninja in the world after Minato's death, until Naruto obtained the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. A also possesses an immense amount of powerful chakra, comparable to that of a tailed beast. In terms of physical strength, he can perform impressive feats like lifting heavy barbells, breaking through walls, severing the horn of the Eight-Tails, and even breaking through Susanoo's strong defense. A prefers wrestling-style moves and showcases durability inherited from his father, surviving unharmed from Mabui's Heavenly Transfer Technique. He also has a high tolerance for pain, as seen when he cut off his own arm to escape Amaterasu's flames without flinching.


Nature Transformation

A is skilled in Lightning, Earth, and Water Release techniques. His notable ability is the Lightning Release Chakra Mode, where he surrounds himself with lightning chakra to greatly enhance his speed, reflexes, and overall physical abilities. His swiftness is comparable to the legendary Yellow Flash, making it difficult for even the Sharingan to keep up with his movements. This speed allows him to create illusions and dodge close-range attacks. The Lightning Release Chakra Mode also grants him enhanced durability, withstanding potentially fatal attacks with only minor injuries. He possesses great strength, slightly below that of Tsunade, and can deliver powerful and rapid punches. Additionally, he can combine his Lightning Release with Water Release to enhance their techniques with an added paralysis effect caused by electrocution.
