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Tailed Beasts: Isobu The Three Tails

Isobu, more commonly known as the Three-Tails, is one of the nine tailed beasts. It was last sealed within Yagura Karatachi of Kirigakure.


Isobu and the other tailed beasts were created by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki long ago. He divided the chakra of the Ten-Tails into nine separate beings and gave each one a name. Despite being separated, the Sage told the tailed beasts that they were connected and that one day they would come together again. He also said that someone would show them true power at that time. Isobu was sent to live in a temple by Hagoromo before he died. During the First Shinobi World War, Hashirama Senju captured eight tailed beasts and gave Isobu and Saiken to Kirigakure as a sign of friendship. Later, Isobu was sealed inside Rin Nohara by Kirigakure, but their plan to release the tailed beast and attack Konoha failed when Rin killed herself. Isobu was later sealed in Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage, who controlled it well. However, Yagura was manipulated by Obito Uchiha until he died. Isobu reappeared later but was not sealed inside anyone. According to Tsunade, Isobu disappeared after the Third Shinobi World War.


Isobu is one of the tailed beasts and it speaks in a shy way, using the word "boku" that young boys often use. It seems that Isobu is not as impolite or talkative as the other tailed beasts because Yagura, its host, had good control over it and they were friends.


Isobu, being a tailed beast, has a huge amount of chakra that it can share with others and it can make the Tailed Beast Ball, a powerful attack. It can also create coral and swim very fast. Kirigakure believed Isobu was so powerful that, influenced by Madara Uchiha, they planned to release it in Konohagakure to destroy the village. In the anime, Isobu could make a mist that caused people to see things that made them feel insecure and forced them to confront their fears.

Physical Prowess

Isobu has the ability to curl up into a ball and move swiftly, using the spikes on its shell to attack enemies, similar to the Akimichi clan's Spiked Human Bullet Tank technique. Its strong skin and shell provide excellent defense, making it resistant to various attacks. Isobu can also use its three spiked tails to strike opponents and break through defenses. In the anime, its only vulnerability appears to be its eye, as it cannot harden them like the rest of its body, so it keeps one eye closed at all times.


In the anime, Isobu's abilities were explained in detail. It could create powerful shockwaves to defend against attacks and generate massive tidal waves around itself, which allowed it to overpower Guren's Crystal Release during their fight. When Isobu consumed something, many tiny versions of itself would attack the eaten object inside its stomach, possibly to aid in digestion. It also demonstrated the ability to use Space-Time Ninjutsu, creating a portal to a different dimension where it could hide and remain undetected until it decided to come back.

Nature Transformation

Because Isobu is a turtle, it is naturally skilled in using Water Release techniques. In the anime, Isobu has demonstrated the ability to shoot strong blasts of water, which are so powerful that they can destroy an entire side of a cliff.
