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Sasori's Jutsus in Naruto Series

Memory-Concealing Manipulative Sand Technique (A)

The user hides a tiny needle in the memory center of the target's brain to seal away their memories. To bring back the memories, the user can undo the technique and remove the needle. If someone who was operated on becomes a spy and infiltrates the enemy's camp, they can carry out their mission without knowing they are a sleeper agent. This makes them believe they are loyal to the ones they are spying on, which can help them in their role. When the user cancels the technique, the target will remember their mission as a sleeper agent again.

Puppet Performance: Skilful Achievement with a Human Body (A)

This technique involves attaching chakra threads to different parts of a person's body, including their head, torso, arms, and legs. By doing this, the person can use their own abilities as well as the skills of the puppeteer. Originally, this technique was used on the battlefield when a puppeteer's puppets were destroyed, and they started using corpses instead. Usually, both the user and the person being controlled would need to cooperate, but a skilled user can forcefully control the target if they are weakened or unable to resist.

Puppet Technique (C)

The Puppet Technique used by shinobi was originally created by Monzaemon Chikamatsu for entertainment purposes but was adapted for combat with the help of shinobi. Sunagakure's shinobi became pioneers in puppetry and formed a Puppet Brigade to find new ways to use puppets in battle. The technique involves emitting chakra threads from the fingers to control puppets. Less experienced users connect all ten fingers to a single puppet, while experienced users can control a puppet with just one thread. Skilled puppeteers can control multiple puppets simultaneously, but there is a time lag between commands and the puppet's response.

Hiruko Puppet

Hiruko was a special puppet utilized by Sasori, a member of the Akatsuki organization. It served as a form of "puppet armor" that allowed Sasori to conceal himself within it. Sasori frequently wore the Akatsuki robes and used Hiruko as his disguise, to the point where others could only recognize him when he was in this puppet form.

Prepared Puppet: Eight Waves of Needles

Sasori controls the puppet Hiruko and makes it shoot out a fast and continuous stream of many senbon needles from its mouth, like a machine gun. The senbon can be coated with poison to make them more deadly.

Puppet Technique: Prosthetic Arm Senbon

While inside the puppet Hiruko, Sasori shoots its left arm, which is shaped like a torpedo, at the enemy. The arm spins rapidly and launches wooden cylinders. When the cylinders open, they release a lot of senbon needles, creating a fast shower of poisoned needles in every direction.

Third Kazekage Puppet

This is the human puppet that Sasori created using the body of Sunagakure's Third Kazekage. Sasori considered it his favorite puppet and went to great lengths to obtain it. By converting the Kazekage into a puppet, Sasori gained access to the Kazekage's abilities, including his Magnet Release kekkei genkai. Sasori also equipped the puppet with various weapons, all coated with his lethal poison that causes paralysis and death after three days.

Thousand Hands Manipulation Force (C)

The left arm of the Third Kazekage puppet contains multiple compartments with summoning seals. When opened, these compartments release numerous long puppet arms that can bend and track opponents, delivering powerful crushing attacks. The arms are equipped with launchers that can emit poison gas, binding wires with a kunai-anchor, or regular kunai. Sasori has the ability to detach the entire left arm, including the thousand arms, to restore mobility to the puppet. In place of the left arm, a buzzsaw is used.

Iron Sand Drizzle

This attack is like a gunshot and uses tiny grains of hardened Iron Sand to hit a large area all at once. The bullets are very fast and hard to see. It's almost impossible to dodge once the attacker is ready. The bullets get even faster using magnetism. The Iron Sand can also be shaped into sharp needles, making them more dangerous. The Sand is magnetic and poisonous when used by Sasori, so it's almost impossible to defend against. It's particularly dangerous for puppet users because the sand can get stuck in their joints and make them unable to move.

Iron Sand Gathering Assault

This technique makes the Iron Sand very hard and creates a huge weapon that is as strong as steel. It's so heavy and big that it can easily break rocks and destroy defenses with just one hit. Because it's made of Iron Sand, the weapon can be any shape the user wants and can be changed during the fight. This lets the user create the perfect weapon based on the opponent's abilities and the environment. Since the Iron Sand has a strong magnetic field, the opponent can't use any metal weapons or tools.

Iron Sand World Method

This technique uses Iron Sand to create a big ball with lots of sharp spikes. The user makes two groups of Iron Sand with different magnetic fields and puts them together. This makes the spikes spread out in all directions. It's hard to see what's happening and dodge the spikes. Even if the opponent avoids getting hit, the spikes will surround them, making it difficult to escape. The user can then attack the trapped opponent. Sasori makes the Iron Sand poisonous, so even a small scratch from a spike can kill the target.

Iron Sand: Black Iron Wings

The user can make wings out of Iron Sand for flying. With these wings, they can make feathers that act like missiles, seeking their targets. The wings can also be joined together to make a big spear.

Sasori Puppet

This is the puppet created by Sasori to resemble his original body. Sasori's "core of living flesh" was housed in the left compartment of the puppet's chest. The puppet had a mechanism on the right side of its chest that could spin chakra threads, enabling Sasori to use his Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets. It had various features such as a poisonous stinger, scroll holder for storing puppets, spinning blades, and pipes for fire and water attacks.


The Sasori puppet has pipes in its hands that can shoot out fire, acting like flamethrowers. The flames are extremely hot, capable of melting rocks and instantly incinerating metal kunai. The ammunition for the flamethrowers is stored in the puppet's first scroll. Additionally, Sasori can use water cannons in combination with the flamethrowers, causing thermal shock to crack rocks and create powerful impacts with flying debris.

Water Stream Shooters

Sasori has pipes in his palms that can shoot powerful streams of pressurized water, functioning like water cannons. By twisting his wrists, he can condense the water streams into sharp water jet cutters capable of slicing through rocks. The water for this technique is stored in the fourth scroll on his back. These water jets have a long range and can reach the clouds in the sky. When combined with the heat generated by his flamethrowers, Sasori can create thermal shock that cracks rocks and sends debris flying with significant force.

Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets (S)

To perform this technique, Sasori takes out a summoning scroll and opens his chest compartment to release over a hundred chakra strings that connect to the scroll. More than a hundred puppets wearing red cloaks emerge from the scroll. Controlling such a large number of puppets at once demonstrates Sasori's exceptional skill with the Puppet Technique. Unlike regular puppets, these puppets move instantly in response to Sasori's will since they are directly connected to his core. Sasori claims to have used this technique to bring down an entire country.
