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Kage: Gaara The Fifth Kazekage

Gaara is a shinobi from Sunagakure and the youngest of the Three Sand Siblings. He was born as the host of a powerful creature called the One-Tailed Shukaku, which made the people of Suna fear him. Growing up without any connections, Gaara developed a deep hatred for the world and only cared about himself. He found purpose in his life by killing anyone he encountered. However, after being defeated by Naruto Uzumaki, another jinchūriki who found strength in his friendships, Gaara started to follow his example. Eventually, he became the Fifth Kazekage of Suna, with the goal of protecting the village and its inhabitants. This allowed him to overcome the fears he had once instilled in the villagers.


The Fourth Kazekage wanted to use one of his children as a weapon for the village, so he made them the jinchūriki of the tailed beast Shukaku. Gaara, his third child, was compatible with Shukaku, so the creature was sealed inside him before he was born. Gaara's mother died during childbirth, and he was raised in isolation. Despite his efforts to connect with the villagers, they were scared of him because of his powers. Gaara unintentionally hurt others while trying to show them love, leading to more fear and hate. He was attacked by someone he trusted, Yashamaru, who revealed that Gaara was seen as a failed experiment and a danger to the village. Gaara's world shattered, and he decided to love only himself. He embraced his role as a destructive force and survived multiple assassination attempts. Eventually, his father recognized his power and stopped trying to kill him, seeking to make use of him instead.


During Gaara's early life, he received love from Yashamaru and his mother, despite being feared and disliked by the villagers. However, his father, Rasa, saw this as a hindrance to Gaara's development as a jinchūriki and ordered Yashamaru to kill him and tell him that he was never loved. This caused Gaara to stop trying to connect with people and focus solely on himself. He became known as "Gaara of the Sand Waterfall" and exhibited unbalanced behavior, showing no mercy and being driven by his own desires. Gaara's encounter with Naruto during the Konoha Crush made him realize that his choices were wrong, and he began emulating Naruto's path. He improved his relationships, found something worth protecting, and became Suna's Kazekage. Gaara advocated for unity and forgiveness among the hidden villages and led by example, gaining the love and respect of his people. He considered Naruto his closest friend and was willing to protect him during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Gaara's experiences shaped him into a wise leader who empathizes with others and seeks to bring positive change.


Since his childhood, Gaara was trained as a powerful weapon for Sunagakure. He easily defeated numerous assassins sent to kill him and gained a reputation for completing high-level missions as a genin. In the Chūnin Exams, he finished the Forest of Death stage with record time and without any injuries, which was unusual for a chūnin. In Part II, Gaara becomes the Fifth Kazekage, responsible for leading and protecting the entire village. Initially, some of the other Kage doubted his capabilities due to his young age, but their opinion changed during the Fourth Shinobi World War when he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Allied Shinobi Forces' combat divisions. Even the reincarnated Kage, including his father, acknowledged his skills after he defeated them. Gaara's strength continued to grow, enabling him to hold his own against powerful opponents like Madara Uchiha's clones and members of the Ōtsutsuki Clan. As an adult, he was able to fight alongside Shukaku and temporarily seal Urashiki Ōtsutsuki.

Chakra and Physical Prowess

Gaara possesses a vast amount of powerful chakra, which is evident even to Akamaru without Gaara using any techniques. This is partly due to him being the jinchūriki of Shukaku. However, even after Shukaku is removed from his body in Part II, there is no noticeable decline in his performance. Gaara prefers to keep a distance from his opponents in battle and rarely engages in close combat. In the anime, he acknowledges this as a weakness and trains with Shira to enhance his skills. Kinshiki Ōtsutsuki recognizes Gaara's taijutsu abilities as being on par with Naruto, Sasuke, and Darui, describing their skills in this area as "first-class".


Gaara has the ability to use Earth, Lightning, and Wind Release in his nature transformations. He frequently combines Wind Release with his sand to make it faster and cover a larger area. Additionally, it is revealed that Gaara inherited the Magnet Release kekkei genkai from his father, Rasa. However, Gaara prefers to keep this ability hidden and only use it as a last resort in battle, allowing him to surprise his opponents. With Magnet Release, Gaara can increase the density of his chakra and sand, making his defenses stronger.

Sand Manipulation

As the jinchūriki of Shukaku, Gaara has the power to control sand. He carries a gourd filled with sand that is infused with his own chakra, enabling him to manipulate it quickly and precisely. If he needs more sand, he can either gather it from the environment or create it by breaking down minerals in the ground. Gaara's sand manipulation abilities remain even after Shukaku is no longer inside him. He primarily uses his sand for defensive purposes, staying still in battle and attacking from a distance. His sand can capture and immobilize opponents, and he can crush them with powerful techniques like the Sand Waterfall Funeral. Gaara's sand also provides him with a strong defense, automatically shielding him from threats and even adapting to protect him when his initial shield is penetrated. The malleable nature of his sand allows him to create walls, shields, shuriken, swords, and other useful forms. He can also use his sand for flight, sensing hidden targets, creating clones, and performing reconnaissance. In the Fourth Shinobi World War, Gaara even employs a sealing technique to immobilize his enemies.

Jinchūriki Transformations

Shukaku is a powerful asset for Gaara in battle, but harnessing its power requires extensive effort and time. Since his early years as a jinchūriki, Gaara had to stay awake to prevent Shukaku from taking control of his body and causing harm. Even while awake, Gaara struggled to control Shukaku's powers, resulting in unintentional killings and unleashing the beast upon Suna during moments of stress. However, by Part I, Gaara managed to maintain control over Shukaku under normal circumstances. Unlike other jinchūriki who transform using only chakra, Gaara transforms by layering sand on his body, resembling Shukaku's form. This grants him increased speed and strength, but the more advanced the transformation, the more Shukaku's influence affects Gaara's personality, making him more homicidal. In Part II, Gaara has mastered the transformation to a degree where he can create Shukaku's arms without losing control. In Tailed Beast Mode, Gaara can create a full-sized Shukaku form, which he usually remains within for safety. By putting himself to sleep, Gaara can transfer control to Shukaku.


Gaara is a skilled and clever fighter who specializes in sand-based techniques. He has developed a wide range of unique jutsu that only he can use. With his keen perception, he can easily spot weaknesses in his enemies and exploit them using his adaptable sand abilities. The Second Mizukage even praised Gaara for his exceptional intelligence, calling him the "Golden Egg." Gaara is also adept at deception, often trapping formidable foes through his strategic maneuvers.
