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Kage: Tobirama Senju The Second Hokage

Tobirama Senju was a member of the famous Senju clan. Alongside his older brother and the Uchiha clan, they established the first shinobi village, Konohagakure. Tobirama dedicated his life to bringing political stability and creating the necessary institutions for the village to thrive. When his brother passed away, he became known as the Second Hokage, responsible for leading Konoha.


During the Warring States Period, Tobirama and his brothers grew up in a constant war with other clans, especially the Uchiha. After the deaths of their brothers, Tobirama and his older brother Hashirama decided to create a new shinobi system to prevent more children from dying. Tobirama followed Hashirama and discovered that he was meeting a young Uchiha named Madara. They planned an ambush, but it resulted in a ceasefire between their families. Over the years, Tobirama and Hashirama clashed with Madara and Izuna, Madara's brother. Hashirama tried to negotiate peace, but Madara refused until Izuna's death. Eventually, they founded the village of Konoha with the goal of peace. Tobirama believed that the Uchiha, particularly Madara, posed a threat to the village's future. When Hashirama wanted to make Madara the Hokage, Tobirama insisted on a democratic process. He became the second Hokage and implemented institutions like the Academy and the Anbu. Tobirama faced resistance from the Uchiha and created the Konoha Military Police Force for them. He tried to build alliances with other villages but was attacked and later killed during the First Shinobi World War.


Tobirama always spoke honestly and directly without sugarcoating things. He believed in solving problems with clear rules and laws. He remained calm and composed, even when his brother Hashirama was overly optimistic. Tobirama loved and respected Hashirama, but he often had to provide a more realistic perspective. He protected the people of Konoha as the Hokage and believed that they were like a big family. He clashed with the Uchiha clan because he felt they cared too much about themselves. However, he was willing to work with Uchiha who could overcome their hatred. Tobirama had a good relationship with the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and found his quick thinking on the battlefield impressive. He got frustrated with Naruto for not showing respect and not recognizing his jutsu creations.


Tobirama was highly respected as a skilled shinobi and considered one of the strongest in history. Even his rivals praised his abilities. He defeated Izuna Uchiha, who was as powerful and skilled as Madara Uchiha. Tobirama's strength was unmatched during his time as Hokage, according to Danzō Shimura. He also managed to survive a battle against the formidable Gold and Silver Brothers, who possessed the Nine-Tails' chakra and used powerful weapons.

Chakra and Physical Prowess

Tobirama was known for his incredible speed, being hailed as the fastest shinobi. He could move swiftly to place explosive tags on targets or mark them for his Space-Time Ninjutsu without being noticed. In the anime, he showed the same speed even underwater. Tobirama was also skilled in taijutsu and could hold his own against his former student, Hiruzen, who was a master of all shinobi skills. His chakra reserves were vast, allowing him to teleport two users in Tailed Beast Mode at the same time, and his chakra was so strong that it visibly affected the surrounding area when unleashed. He had excellent chakra control, being able to perform complex techniques with just one hand seal. Tobirama's willpower was also remarkable, enabling him to overcome the strong control of the Impure World Reincarnation.


Tobirama, a member of the Senju clan, had diverse ninja skills. He was good at throwing shurikens and creating barriers. Tobirama was skilled with a sword and could clash with Izuna multiple times. He could make shadow clones to help him in battle. Tobirama was also adept at sensing, able to detect targets by touching the ground and sense people from distant places. He had the ability to cast genjutsu, including a powerful darkness trap. Tobirama mentioned he could send his soul to assist Sasuke, but he couldn't due to being immobilized by Madara's receivers.

Nature Transformation

Tobirama possessed exceptional control over all five basic nature transformations, as well as Yin and Yang Release. His expertise in Water Release was particularly impressive, allowing him to generate large quantities of water without needing a nearby source. This enabled him to unleash powerful water-based techniques whenever needed, which was no small feat. He could unleash high-pressured water streams from his mouth to slice through targets or create needle-shaped projectiles to strike vital points unexpectedly. Additionally, Tobirama could create defensive walls and summon enormous water dragons, all without requiring pre-existing water sources. In the anime, he demonstrated the ability to cover an entire battlefield in water and manipulate it into tendrils to drown his opponents.

Space–Time Ninjutsu

Tobirama was highly skilled in space-time ninjutsu, particularly the Flying Thunder God Technique. With this technique, he had the ability to instantly teleport himself and others to any location marked with his seal or connected to his chakra. By linking his chakra with others, Tobirama could use their chakra as a source to monitor a battlefield and teleport multiple people to safety when their chakra was shared. Furthermore, if he connected his chakra with other users of the technique, he could utilize their Flying Thunder God seals. Tobirama could swiftly move within a marked area or throw a marked kunai to quickly maneuver around and launch surprise attacks, catching his opponents off guard before they had a chance to react.


Tobirama had great skill in Summoning Techniques, with his most notorious technique being the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation. This technique brought back the souls of the deceased and placed them in immortal bodies that could regenerate. He created the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags specifically to exploit the advantages of these revived bodies. Using these explosive tags, he could unleash a series of infinite explosions on a target, often resorting to kamikaze-like attacks. Tobirama considered this technique a forbidden one and hoped it would never be used again. However, he never fully perfected it, as he could only control a limited number of reincarnated bodies at once, and their power was inferior to what they possessed in their original lives.


During battles, Tobirama was smart and careful. He only attacked when he knew he would win and didn't show mercy. He created new and advanced techniques like the Impure World Reincarnation, Flying Thunder God Technique, and Shadow Clone Technique. Tobirama was good at surprising his enemies by attacking when they least expected it. He paid close attention to every detail of the battle, studying his opponents' strategies and techniques to find their weaknesses. He also knew about things he hadn't been trained in, like recognizing the toads from Mount Myōboku and different types of advanced nature transformations.
