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Nagato's Jutsus in Naruto Series


The Rinnegan is an extremely powerful and highly respected eye ability among the "Three Great Dōjutsu." It possesses immense chakra and ocular power, but it can overwhelm an unworthy user. It allows the user to see chakra, barriers, and master any jutsu and all five basic nature transformations. The Rinnegan grants access to the Six Paths Technique, which includes various abilities such as controlling forces, altering the body, extracting souls, summoning creatures, absorbing chakra, and presiding over life and death. It also enables the user to control the Six Paths of Pain, manifest chakra chains, and break seals on the Demonic Statue. The Rinnegan can awaken the Rinne Sharingan and cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi, which can be repelled by another Rinnegan user. Specific users have demonstrated unique abilities with their Rinnegan, such as creating shadows, shifting spaces, absorbing ninjutsu, and time displacement.

Outer Path

The Outer Path is one of the abilities granted by the Rinnegan and allows the user to control life and death. With this power, they can revive the dead using the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique, although it comes at the cost of the user's own life. The Rinnegan enables the creation of black receivers, and by transmitting their chakra through these receivers, the user can bind and control others. They can also use the chakra chains of the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to restrain those who touch the receivers. By implanting receivers into corpses or reincarnated individuals, the user can remotely control them as the Six Paths of Pain. The Outer Path also allows the user to communicate and share visual information with these bodies and summoned creatures. Additionally, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki demonstrated the ability to recall souls from the Pure Land and undo the Impure World Reincarnation technique.

Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path

The Demonic Statue of the Outer Path can be summoned and controlled by someone who possesses the Rinnegan. However, artificial Rinnegan won't work for this purpose. Even those without the Rinnegan can control the statue if they have both Uchiha and Senju powers. Instead of a blood offering, the statue drains the user's life force. When Nagato summoned the statue, black receivers emerged from its abdomen and pierced his back, leaving him weak. The statue released chakra in the form of a dragon that could extract the chakra of anything it touched, instantly killing humans. After fulfilling its purpose, the statue vanished while the receivers remained embedded in Nagato's back.

Outer Path — Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique

The Outer Path's Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique is a powerful ninjutsu that allows the user to bring the dead back to life by sacrificing their own life force. When activated, the King of Hell appears and releases the souls of the deceased, bringing them back to their rejuvenated bodies. It has the ability to resurrect multiple individuals who have recently died. However, using this technique comes at a great cost, and the user becomes severely weakened. Additionally, it can also transform the bodies of those revived through the Impure World Reincarnation into living flesh and blood, although it may not fully restore certain aspects like the eyes.

Black Receiver

Black Receivers are rods that can demodulate high-frequency chakra signals. They are associated with the Rinnegan and can be generated by its wielders. The receivers are made of chakra and have a metal-like consistency, being strong enough to break steel and easily pierce through human bodies. Users can transmit their chakra through the rods, disrupting the target's own chakra and immobilizing them. The receivers can also be used to control the Six Paths of Pain, reanimated corpses with Rinnegan copies. The rods can be employed as weapons, being launched as projectiles, used for stabbing or as swords, and even transformed into different shapes. If the creator of the receivers is killed or incapacitated, the rods disintegrate.

Six Paths Technique

The Six Paths Technique is a powerful set of abilities that can be accessed by those who possess the Rinnegan. There are actually seven techniques within this set, granting the user incredible powers. These include manipulation of attractive and repulsive forces, augmentation of the body with mechanical limbs and armor, mind-reading and soul removal, summoning of various creatures, absorption of chakra, calling upon the King of Hell, and presiding over life and death. Nagato, who was physically disabled, created the Six Paths of Pain by controlling reanimated corpses with Rinnegan copies. This allowed him to compensate for his limitations and coordinate their movements. Obito later used a similar method with former jinchūriki. However, using the full potential of the Six Paths Technique requires specific conditions, such as focusing chakra to a single body or bringing bodies closer. When a Rinnegan wielder uses the techniques with their own body, they can unleash multiple abilities simultaneously and with greater strength.

Six Paths of Pain

The Six Paths of Pain is a technique that allows a Rinnegan user to control up to six bodies as if they were their own. By embedding black receivers into the bodies, the user can channel their chakra into them from a distance, granting complete control. The user can see through all the bodies' eyes simultaneously, coordinating their attacks and compensating for blind spots. However, if the chakra transmission is interrupted, the bodies become vulnerable. Nagato, who was left disabled after a battle, created the Six Paths of Pain to carry out his will. Each body represents a different path and serves specific purposes.

Deva Path

The Deva Path gives the user the ability to control attractive and repulsive forces on objects and people. These techniques have a recharge time, with larger-scale techniques requiring more time. The Deva Path also grants the ability to use Chibaku Tensei, creating a massive terrestrial body by attracting surrounding matter to a black sphere. After becoming crippled, Nagato used the powers of the Deva Path through the corpse of his friend Yahiko, using him as the face of his Pain identity.

Chibaku Tensei

Users of Chibaku Tensei create a black sphere and throw it into the sky. When activated, the sphere generates a strong attractive force, pulling everything nearby towards it and forming a large satellite. The size of the satellite can be controlled by the user. Creating the satellite requires a significant amount of chakra, and Nagato had to bring the Deva Path close to him to effectively channel his chakra due to exhaustion. Chibaku Tensei is commonly used to restrain targets by trapping them under the debris of the satellite.

Shinra Tensei

It is a powerful technique that can be used by those who control the five basic nature transformations. It creates a repulsive force that pushes things away, serving as a defense. Users can adjust the direction of the repulsion to protect allies. This technique can destroy structures and repel opponents or attacks. Its strength and range depend on the amount of chakra used. Nagato demonstrated an immense version that could devastate a whole village but at the cost of his own life and reduced abilities. Opponents can resist it by securing themselves or finding ways to counteract the force. There is a cooldown period after each use, which can vary from a few seconds to several minutes.

Banshō Ten'in

Banshō Ten'in is a technique that allows the user to pull objects towards them using attractive force. It has a time limit of five seconds, similar to Shinra Tensei. The user can control the area of effect, selectively attracting specific targets without affecting their surroundings. They can also pull multiple targets at once, causing them to collide with each other. The Deva Path grants the ability to manipulate attractive forces through this technique.

Animal Path

The Animal Path gives someone with the Rinnegan the power to summon different animals and creatures to help them in fights. These summoned creatures can't die permanently because they can be summoned again after being killed. One interesting thing is that summoning through the Animal Path doesn't need any sacrifices or special hand movements. The Animal Path can also summon people using hand signs, like Nagato's Paths and Konan. In battles, the main role of the Animal Path seems to be overwhelming multiple opponents by summoning a lot of creatures. The list of animals that can be summoned are: Giant Drill-Beaked Bird, Giant Multi-Headed Dog, Giant Snake-Tailed Chameleon, Giant Panda, Giant Ox, Giant Rhino, Giant Crustacean, Giant Centipede.

Summoning Rinnegan

With the Animal Path, the user can summon animals and people who will have copies of the Rinnegan. These summoned creatures have a visual connection to the user's own Rinnegan, giving them a wider view. The summons have black piercings on their bodies, which let the user control them from a distance using their chakra. When people are summoned using this technique, they can also be given a part of the Six Paths Technique.

Amplification Summoning Technique (B)

This technique summons a creature and gives it a special power once a specific condition is met. Pain used this technique to enhance his summoned dog, granting it various abilities to make it stronger and more resilient. For example, when the dog was attacked, it could multiply into multiple identical beasts, increasing its combat ability. It could also combine back into one body and carry the heads of the additional beasts. Additionally, the dog could split apart without being damaged, grow wings to fly, change its shape to evade capture, and even self-destruct if needed.

Asura Path

The Asura Path gives the user the power to enhance their own body by summoning mechanized armor and various weapons. Through the Asura Path, the user can grow up to four extra arms and two additional faces. They also have a blade-like sash around their waist. Their body and these additional limbs are equipped with mechanical weaponry that they can use whenever they want. They can shoot their forearms as long-range projectiles or detach them to fire a group of segmented missiles. They can also extend blades, drills, or mechanical tendrils from their arms and move quickly by emitting chakra from holes in their feet. Furthermore, they can release a powerful chakra blast by turning their hand into a cannon or opening the top of their head. The mechanized insides of the Asura Path allowed it to survive fatal damage. With its versatile abilities, the Asura Path lived up to its name as the "warring demon."

Asura Attack

Using the Asura Path's body modifications, the user can expose a cannon in their body that shoots a huge blast of chakra with explosive force, causing massive destruction in an area. Nagato, for example, opened the head of his path to reveal the chakra cannon, and after his revival, he used an arm-mounted cannon to unleash this powerful attack.

Flaming Arrow Warhead

By utilizing the Asura Path's body modification ability, the user can detach their hand to reveal a cluster of missiles. The more the hand is separated from the arm, the greater the number of missiles that can be launched simultaneously. These missiles can be deployed to cause extensive destruction or can be programmed to home in on a specific target.

Flaming Arrow of Amazing Ability

Through the body modification ability of the Asura Path, the user concentrates a large amount of chakra at the wrist and then releases it, propelling the detachable hand with great strength. This attack possesses incredible destructive force, capable of breaking through even solid bedrock. The hand is shielded by chakra, ensuring its protection during the attack. Once the attack is finished, the chakra in the wrist pulls the hand back like a magnet, allowing it to reattach itself seamlessly.

Preta Path

The Preta Path grants the user the ability to absorb chakra in any form, acting as a defensive technique. By making physical contact, the user can absorb chakra from an individual or nullify ninjutsu-based techniques by absorbing their pure chakra. However, it doesn't absorb physical attacks, only their chakra. The user forms a protective barrier around their body, allowing them to absorb attacks from all directions. Although it can absorb senjutsu chakra, excessive absorption can turn the user into a stone statue.

Blocking Technique Absorption Seal

The Preta Path grants a powerful sealing technique that creates a transparent barrier around the user, which can absorb and neutralize any form of chakra, including different types and shapes of ninjutsu. The absorbed chakra is then dispersed within the user's own body by spinning it in the opposite direction. This ability allows the user to render any chakra-based techniques ineffective against them.

Naraka Path

The Naraka Path grants the user the power of interrogation and restoration through the King of Hell. By summoning the King of Hell, the Naraka Path can paralyze a person and extract information from them. If the person lies or refuses to answer, the King of Hell can remove their tongue, seemingly killing them. However, if they tell the truth, they are spared but left exhausted. Additionally, the Naraka Path can use the King of Hell to restore damaged bodies by ingesting them and rejuvenating them. This ability makes the Naraka Path valuable when used alongside the other Six Paths of Pain.

Summoning: King of Hell

The King of Hell is a powerful deity that governs life and death. Those who possess the Rinnegan can call upon this deity and have authority over it through the power of the Six Paths. The King of Hell can be summoned by the Naraka Path, emerging with dark flames. It judges souls by extracting them through an elongated tongue and asks them questions. If answered truthfully, the soul is released, but if answered dishonestly, it is devoured. Only the Rinnegan user and victims can see the King of Hell. Additionally, the King of Hell can repair the damaged forms of the Six Paths of Pain and store bodies and souls inside itself. It can also be used in the Outer Path technique to release souls from its mouth and return them to their bodies.

Human Path

The Human Path, a power of the Rinnegan, allows its user to read the mind of any person by touching their head or chest and extracting their soul. This technique is effective for obtaining secret information, but it results in the death of the target. Nagato used the Human Path through the body of a shinobi from Takigakure. In combat, the Human Path is considered less valuable compared to other abilities and Nagato sacrificed it to protect the Animal Path during his final battle against Naruto.

Five-Seal Barrier (C)

The user connects five special tags using their chakra to create a barrier. One tag is placed at a central location, while the other four are placed on nearby surfaces. As long as one tag remains, the barrier protects the central location and prevents it from being opened or damaged. To remove the barrier, it is recommended to split into two teams: one team focuses on removing the surrounding tags, while the other team removes the central tag and attacks the stronghold. In an Akatsuki lair, the tags are spread across a wide area, and having a sensor can help locate them quickly. The Akatsuki leader sets up a trap along with the barrier to make it more challenging to breach.

Genjutsu Protect

This technique allows the user to implant mental blocks in a target's mind to protect valuable information in case the person is captured and interrogated. These blocks serve as a defense against genjutsu and are particularly effective against truth serums.

Magic Lantern Body Technique

The Akatsuki members use a technique called "thought waves" where they sit down and transmit their thoughts as chakra. These thought waves are received by Pain, who acts as a control tower. Pain amplifies the thoughts and projects them to a specific location using illusionary bodies. These bodies resemble the members but appear transparent with only their eyes visible. The members can communicate and perform various techniques through these virtual representations.

Mirrored Sudden Attacker Technique (A)

A secondary trap is set up under the Five-Seal Barrier. When someone removes the "forbidden" tags, an identical copy of that person is created. This double possesses the same appearance, weapons, and fighting abilities as the original. Since the copy doesn't tire or get exhausted, it has an advantage in long battles. To overcome this technique and defeat their duplicate, the person who removed the tag must surpass their previous limits and find a way to overcome the challenges they faced at the time of tag removal.

Rain Tiger at Will Technique

It is a ninjutsu that allows the user to control rain infused with their chakra. The rain is created by Pain and is connected to his senses. If someone with foreign chakra enters the rain, Pain can detect their presence, although he cannot pinpoint their exact location. He relies on someone skilled in wide-area coverage to find the intruder's specific location. The rain continues to fall until Pain cancels it using a seal. Pain uses this technique to monitor his village, and outsiders are unaware of its true purpose, thinking it is natural rain. This allows Pain to detect intruders who are unaware they will be detected once the rain touches them.

Sealing Technique: Phantom Dragons Nine Consuming Seals (S)

It is a powerful jutsu used by Pain and the Akatsuki to seal tailed beasts or extract a living jinchūriki's tailed beast chakra. The process involves summoning the Demonic Statue and each Akatsuki member standing on its fingertips, corresponding to their ring finger. The members concentrate, causing their ring's kanji to appear on the statue's finger. Dragon-like effigies emerge from the statue's mouth and forcefully remove the tailed beast from the host, sealing it within the statue. This process takes several days to complete. The host dies as a result of losing their tailed beast.

Shapeshifting Technique

Pain employs the Shapeshifting Technique to create perfect copies of individuals by allocating a portion of their chakra to a living human sacrifice. These copies possess the same appearance, kekkei genkai, and unique weapons as the original. Pain controls the copies remotely, ensuring their movements and knowledge mimic the original precisely. However, the copies are limited by the amount of chakra given to them and cannot perform chakra-intensive techniques. Once the original's chakra is depleted, the copies revert to their true form and perish.

Water Release: Wild Water Wave (C)

The user uses their mouth to spray water in a manner similar to a waterfall, aiming to cleanse or wash away the target. The strength of this technique can be adjusted by controlling the amount of chakra infused and released. Although it is a fundamental Water Release technique, it can be customized in various ways.

Wind Release: Air Bullets

The user unleashes rapid and powerful blasts of air towards the target. These air bullets are shot with incredible speed and possess enough force to easily defeat a large number of shinobi at once.

Wind Release: Gale Palm (C)

This technique is a Wind Release ability that allows the user to enhance their speed or create a powerful gust of wind by clapping their hands together. The compressed wind becomes a forceful gale that can easily knock over a person. When combined with shuriken or kunai, these projectiles become even more dangerous due to the increased speed they gain from the technique.
